Village Foundation
The Foundation was created circa 2004, at the time of our “Save Our Village Shop” campaign. Initially it simply acted as the ultimate owner of Wonersh Village Stores Limited, the Company set up to buy and refurbish the Shop and the attached Gallery, funded by grants and interest-free loans from the Village. More recently, the Foundation also acquired the Flat above the Shop.
However, now that the funding loans have been fully repaid, and the future of our Shop has hopefully been secured, any surplus rents are potentially available to help fund needy causes in the local Community. The Trustees are therefore happy to consider applications for grants, up to a maximum amount of £5,000 per grant.
In the first instance, please contact Graham Healy for an Expression of Interest Form. Please note that retrospective applications will not be considered, and allow at least 2 months for the grant process to go through.