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Situated on the southerly flank of Chinthurst Hill, Gerald's Wood is a mixed woodland of just over 1 hectare (2.5 acres), of which roughly half sits on a steep SW facing slope above the junction of Chinthurst Lane and The Street. The Wood is located within the Green Belt, designated as a Landscape Character Area, and is almost contiguous with the Chinthurst Hill nature reserve.


Gerald’s Wood is owned by Wonersh Parish Council on behalf of all parishioners, to whom it was gifted 60 years ago in 1959.


Amongst the mature trees are about 350m of maintained paths. These include a  path of Bargate-stone cobbles and steps leading from the main gate to the higher wood, with its circular walk and two viewpoint benches. Parallel to the road, a new lower path has been created enabling walkers to avoid the road junction.


The paths and woodlands as they exist now are the product of five years of volunteer-led restoration, improvement, and maintenance following a decision in 2013 to open the Wood to the public and to make it a parish amenity under the leadership of Wonersh Woodland Group.






Working Parties are scheduled a number of times a year and we are always very grateful for any help in maintaining this fabulous resource for the village. Do get in touch with us to find out when & where or for more details:


Mike or Neil by email:

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