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Wonersh Village care scheme.


Local people helping local people. 


The tasks that WonCares volunteers undertake may be small but they make the difference between a village being just an address and being an active, caring community.

Most of our assignments are providing transport to doctors, hospital, dental and optician appointments but we have also provided companionship visits, walked dogs while an owner was unwell, done shopping and collected prescriptions, taken residents to a life enhancing hair appointment and to visit a family member in a care home.We have been running successfully since 2012.


Our volunteers, after a straight forward verification process, do as many or as few assignments as they wish to fit in with their own busy lives. 


As our volunteers and those we help all live in the village it is a chance to meet fellow residents.


WonCares does not charge but does ask for a small donation to cover transport costs.


We always welcome new volunteers so come and join our team.


To ask for some help please just call


01483 894004


at any time and leave a message on our answer machine.  Calls are picked up in the evenings Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays.


To join our volunteers please call


01483 894004 and leave us a message and we will get back to you with all the details. 


Remember becoming a WonCares volunteer does not obligate you in terms of what you do or when and how often you volunteer. When we receive a request for help we ring around to see who is free. You can volunteer a few times a year or several times a month. It is not fixed and there is no obligation.

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